In this week's quote feature, we will be taking a look at C.S. Lewis, an author who will be familiar to most of you. If you don't know who he is, he is the author of The Screwtape Letters, the Narnia series, and Till We Have Faces. Read the following quote and think about it.

Interesting, isn't it? Can you relate to what he means? I know I can. Every day, I'll come home to my father or my mother asking me how my day was, and I say "good" every single day, because it seems as if the same events happened. Each day was the same when given little thought at the time. But now, as a grown man, I look back at my middle school and Elementary years, and it its no longer the normal day that I see. But a collection days, in which I learned something new every day. And something different in each of the classes But, that's not how it felt like back then.
I think this is the point he is trying to get across. Even though it may seem that every day is the same, in reality, it is not. Each and everyday is important, different, and unique. This quote doesn't require a lot of translating to understand it fully, as it is pretty straight forward in the message it wants to get across. I have to say that I have never noticed this, but I do find it funny, now that it has been pointed out.
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