Today, we are not going to be covering a quote. Instead, we are going to cover something that I, Lazarus, have not been able to get out of my head. It is something that has remained there for weeks, and I need to do something with that thought. I have decided, that the best thing to do is to share it with all of you. There is more to this than just the science, so read till the end.
Ojos. Oczy. Les yeux. Augen. Eyes. In whatever language that you want to refer to them as, they are the same thing. They are those two round balls that are in the smack center of your face, that allow you to see color and all the wonders that life provides. And they are different for everyone, different colors, different sizes, different pupils, and so on. A little known fact about eyes, is that they actually don't grow at all. The size of eyes that you had as a baby are the same size eyes you will have when you grow to be 80 years old.
At a recent visit to the eye doctor, I learned a new thing about the eye. Have you always wondered why they dilate your eyes in the office? What purpose is there? To make your life miserable, by cringing every time you walk into the day light or a brightly lit room for the next four hours, right? Well, depending on the doctor, that may be an exciting side accomplishment, however, it is not the primary purpose. Actually, if you did not know this, your pupil is not a black circle like it would seem from the outside. It is actually clear window into the eye, allowing you to see all the way to into the back of the eye. The eye doctor dilates your pupil so that the window grows bigger, so that he or she can see more of the inside of your eye. Pretty neat right? You can see this demonstrated below.
But, on to what we are really here for. Have you ever looked into someone's eyes? Not just glanced, but really looked, stared, held that gaze? And how many of you look away very quickly? I know that I have. What causes us to look away though? We look away because its awkward. It makes us uncomfortable. It challenges us. And, most of all, the eyes can tell you many things about a person. You are literally looking into the person after all.
Then, when you hold that gaze, it becomes even more of a connection. It's almost as if you know everything that they have gone through. The pain, the happiness, the sadness, the depression, the excitement, and so on. And you see them for who they really are, pass any masks that may be present. Just looking into those eyes leaves an impression on your mind. Those eyes, the ones you saw and looked into that one night, for what may have seemed like an hour, but was really only minutes, become engraved. I can close my eyes at any moment in the day and recall those eyes. And every single time, I see something that I hadn't seen before. A new detail, a new swirl, a new color, or a new shade. I'll never forget those eyes. Those eyes, the ones that opened my own.
Eyes are a powerful thing, and if you have the chance to just look into someone's eyes, especially if it is a loved one, you would be amazed by the experience. Perhaps it will not be anything like my own. As I have written this post, I can still imagine those eyes, following me, watching, and most importantly, I look back into them, entranced and trapped.
Disclaimer: All images used are purely for demonstration purposes. I claim no rights to the images above.
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